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> > Night Carp Fishing

Night Carp Fishing

Night Carp Fishing

Night carp fishing is allowed with 4 lines (lures and animal baits are prohibited) at any time of the day, and at night only in the areas listed below :

  • Private Domain

- The Ailette lake (federal lake), in the city of Neuville-sur-Ailette
- The Frette lake, in the city Tergnier
- The Canivets lakes (only in the first two of the three lakes), in the city of Pommiers
- Part of the Caurois lake ("night area" delimited with signs), in the city of Viry-Noureuil

These lakes have internal regulations. You can access them at the bottom of the page.

  • Public Domain

The list being relatively long, you will find the map of the allowed locations for night carp fishing at the bottom of the page.

However, this document has no regulatory value. Do not hesitate to contact the Federation if you have a doubt.

Recalls and reminders

  • It is forbidden to transport living carps longer than 60 cm (Article. L. 436-16).
  • Any carp taken at night (from half an hour after sunset until half an hour before sunrise) must be released alive juste after being caught (Article. R. 436-14). At night, storage bags and fishpond are strictly prohibited!
  • It is forbidden to camp or to make a fire on the Public domain.
  • Anglers must not litter, garbage must be taken away and thrown in a suitable place.
  • Night fishing is prohibited on loading and unloading sites and where boats are docked (river ports, docks, pontoons, wharves, etc.).
  • To avoid any nuisance, only green biwys and green shelters are allowed.
  • The volume level of the detectors must be set to the minimum.
  • The biwys must be equipped with colored signal lights, any color other than green or red. The installation of biwys on the public shores is authorized provided that :

- it does not interfere with the passage of the staff of the French waterways services (VNF)

- it does not it does not interfere with the passage of agents responsible for enforcing the fisheries policies

- it does not obtrude onto the towpath.

  • The use of Back-Lead is mandatory in order to avoid inconvenience for navigation and any other water usage.